BMX (Bicycle Moto eXtreme) is an Olympic sport in which athletes perform extreme stunts on special bicycles, they are distinguished by their small size (wheel diameter – 20 inches), frame design (the center of gravity is more shifted to the rear wheel) and low seat of the saddle. The design makes the bike more stable: it is designed for passing trails with height differences and performing tricks. The history of the origin and development of BMX Presumably, the history of BMX originates in the 60s of the twentieth century in the USA, when teenagers, imitating idols from motocross, raced on […]
A basketball shield is a rectangular or square-shaped panel on which a ring is fixed. The shield is equipped with a mount for mounting on a pole or hanging on a wall: a rigid installation is required so that the product does not wobble and does not move. The size of the product is 1.8×1.05 meters, while the distance from its edge to the floor should be 2.9 meters. The NBA has set the following standards: the size of the shield is 72×42 inches. There should be two shields, they are installed at opposite ends of the field, the material […]
Shock-absorbing grass or rubber coating
Straight Treadmill
Sand Pit landing
Gymnastic logs and walls
Rope and rope ladder
Stationary and movable pole
Crossbars and bars (equally and differently high)
Stumps for balance
Walls with mounted targets for projectile throwing
Basketball shields
Badminton and volleyball net
Football gates
Skittles for relay races
Tennis tables
Logs and arcs for climbing
Ladders, Swedish walls and ribbed boards
List of sports equipment for schools with closed gyms
Gymnastics equipment: rope, rings, walls, boards, mats, trestles and horses, hoops and benches
Shields and rings for basketball
Racks and net for volleyball
High Jump rack
Ladders and boards with a hook for the Swedish wall
Targets for throwing
Rope ladder
Wooden cubes
Multicolored ribbons and flags
Stuffed and rubber balls
Jump ropes and […]
Requirements for the maintenance and storage of sports equipment
The equipment in the venues of sports activities must be fully serviceable, all projectiles must be securely mounted to the floor or wall. The correctness of the installation and the suitability of the equipment for use are recorded in the inspection report.
Gymnastic projectiles should not play in the joints, swings and curvatures are unacceptable, all fasteners must be tightly tightened.
The poles of the bars should be completely smooth, without notches and cracks. If fiber stratification is detected, it must be eliminated before classes begin. Bars with cracks in the fiber are replaced […]
Non-traditional sports equipment for sports that saves lives
Keeping fit is very important for those on whom the lives of dozens of people depend. Fire-applied sport helps to sharpen skills and test reaction speed with the help of special exercises: overcoming obstacles, climbing a rope, walking on a log to train balance, climbing with obstacles. Each projectile for such exercises is designed to develop strength, agility, balance and the ability to instantly make the right decisions – precisely those skills on which the success of rescue operations will depend in the future.
We offer the following types of equipment for fire-applied sports:
Non-traditional […]