Category: Cricket

Basketball ring with a net and the correct size of the basketball shield

A basketball shield is a rectangular or square-shaped panel on which a ring is fixed. The shield is equipped with a mount for mounting on a pole or hanging on a wall: a rigid installation is required so that the product does not wobble and does not move. The size of the product is 1.8×1.05 meters, while the distance from its edge to the floor should be 2.9 meters. The NBA has set the following standards: the size of the shield is 72×42 inches. There should be two shields, they are installed at opposite ends of the field, the material […]

Basic requirements for sports equipment

Requirements for the maintenance and storage of sports equipment

The equipment in the venues of sports activities must be fully serviceable, all projectiles must be securely mounted to the floor or wall. The correctness of the installation and the suitability of the equipment for use are recorded in the inspection report.

Gymnastic projectiles should not play in the joints, swings and curvatures are unacceptable, all fasteners must be tightly tightened.

The poles of the bars should be completely smooth, without notches and cracks. If fiber stratification is detected, it must be eliminated before classes begin. Bars with cracks in the fiber are replaced […]

Does zumba help you lose weight

Do you like to dance? Then you will definitely like Zumba fitness. After all, this is a unique training, which is based on dance. The complex was invented and developed by a Colombian fitness trainer and in a short time fell in love with sports fans from all over the world. Zumba is a sport that harmoniously combines dance and fitness. Today, Zumba dance has become a hyped brand. A line of clothes, shoes, and other accessories has even been developed for classes. You can even study at home, but it is much more interesting, more fun and more pleasant […]

5 reasons to exercise

Men and women of different ages are increasingly thinking about the need to visit the gym today. Why is this important? If children attend the sections in order to be healthy and develop harmoniously, then adults have much more reasons for this.

Thanks to sports loads, the blood supply to the muscles improves, the regulation of the nervous system activity

How to keep your muscles in good shape? This problem is faced not only by those who are “for”, but also by young people. The reasons can be different – from diseases to poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle. Only physical education makes […]